Lean Workshop


What to Expect

Lean training delivered by experienced professionals who have used Lean in education. Lean Training will help you learn how to remove waste, identify root causes, improve processes, and enhance your problem solving skills. This workshop will include hands on exercises, games and classroom presentations that will prepare to implement Lean with your team. Participants will include school operations leaders who have used Lean principles and are eager to learn more.



  • Mr. Steve Pereus is the founder of Enlit and has over 20 years’ experience using Lean in education.

  • Mr. Tracy Hargrove, Lean Applications Consultant, has over 25 years’ experience using Lean in School Facilities and manufacturing.  He is the former Director of Facilities for Haywood County Schools, North Carolina.



$850 for 2 day workshop, breakfast, lunch and materials.

What Our Clients are Saying



“I am still utilizing the professional development provided Huron. The lean methodology has definitely made a difference in my meetings by creating a focused vision and measurable goals.  I can't thank Enlīt enough.”

– Brian kucbel, principal, Huron City School District

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