K-12 Analytics Software

and Services

“Wilson County Schools has been using Enlīt for two years.  What we like about the program is the comparisons one can do with other school systems in North Carolina.  These comparisons can be done with a similar number of students in each system or within each region that we are associated with.  The program is also useful during budget discussions with school board members or county commissioners.  You can compare how efficient your system is compared to others and where you may need to improve to become more efficient.  In the past, we had to call other units to obtain some of the information now with Enlīt is at your finger tips.

The Discover product also helps us see historical and future trends, anomalies and misallocations that alow us to align more reources on the classroom.”

ArtStanley, Executive Director of Financial Services, Wilson


Measure, compare and get the details you need to improve efficiency, strengthen alignment, and create transparency for your board and community.

Enlīt is a provider of K-12 data analytics, benchmarking and performance management software. Our mission is to make it easier for K-12 leaders to access and use data to improve efficiency, community support and strategic outcomes.

Use of the Enlīt platform will help leaders diagnose the state of the district’s financial, operations and strategic performance over the last three years and on an annual basis. Discover is the only K-12 analytics firm to provide the data, measures, and tools for analyzing enterprise-wide efficiency, spending, costs, staffing, operations, and select student trends. Our K-12 platform include a district wide automated efficiency measurement, benchmarking and dashboard system. We also train and equip administrators to be strategic, data-driven leaders.

Our Software

  • Discover Analytics - District wide efficiency measurement and financial analysis system.

  • Discover Benchmarking - Compare efficiency; identify strengths and opportunities

  • Operations Pathfinder - Drill deeper into root causes of inefficiencies; use results to plan improvements

  • Aspire - Custom dashboard system for strategic plan execution

  • Inform - Tell your story with infographic dashboards

Our Services

  • Interpret analytics results and provide summary and guidance

  • Development of measures for continuous improvement and strategic planning

  • Data-driven and lean training for leaders, supervisors and staff


  • Integrate into budgeting process; Improve budget and forecast accuracy

  • Internal efficiency assessment/audit

  • Create transparency in Board/Commissioner discussions

  • Use forecasting tool to reveal high-cost growth

  • Track annual progress on efficiency, productivity, financial initiatives

  • Provides the details needed to link data to goals, action and results

  • Identify trends before they become an issue.



Financial Analysis, planning, Benchmarking and forecasting

Ready to use, comprehensive financial analysis and analytics report and dashboards that take budget analysis to the next level.

DISCOVER creates superior transparency to discover more opportunities to save, improve, and realign spending. We can interpret the results, save you time and pinpoint improvement opportunities.



BUSINESS, operations & instruction ASSESSMENT

Uses holistic framework to measure, analyze, and benchmark the efficiency and performance of operations, central services, and instruction programs.

Use PATHFINDER to know where to focus and how to improve. Results accessible in dashboards and scorecards.




ASPIRE is a single system for measuring and reporting progress towards strategic plans, operations, central services, instruction and financial goals.

Use ASPIRE to improve, stay informed and track performance and progress. Reduce paper work and time needed to get the intelligence you need to guide and lead your district.



TELL YOUR STORY with measures that matter TO YOUR COMMUNITY

INFORM bring together the data, measures, analysis and insights in custom dashboards that tell visualize and tell your story for any purpose.

Our INFORM dashboards and process can help your district discover strengths, and rethink how you define success and tell your story with data and dashboards.

INFORM’S story telling dashboards are used to educate and engage the community, change perceptions, update strategic plan progress, and support levy requests.


How We Can Help You


One Stop Shop for Data, Analytics, & Dashboards


Get to Answers Faster & Know Where to Focus


Plan to Succeed


Tell Your Story


Performance Audits


Leadership, Analytics and Lean Training


Improve the Budgeting Process for Boards


Build a Custom Dashboard System

Why do District’s Choose Enlīt?


Want to learn more about our company?

Contact us or schedule a free webinar, today!
